PhD in Chemical Engineering. Interests in politics, society and economics. Born in Manchester, living in London. Loves to experience different cultures and indulge in different viewpoints.
Migrants on your mind?
Sean Ryan
Brexited, Bored and Broken: how Britain is losing its communities
The Westminster Accounts: weak regulations, no consequences - how Britain's system fails us
Landlords are parasites and you're the host
Ukraine has exposed our shameful hypocrisy
Why don't we vote? Let's address the elephant in the room
Just what is Britishness?
Go to the local boozer and ask the closest Brexit geezer what the main issues of the day are and you likely be treated to your own personal seminar.
Even basic rights for tenants have parasitic landlords crying out that the sky is falling. I'd play them a song on my violin, but I sold it to pay my rent.
Are Conservative party values, lack of British morality, or ignorance of immigrants causing the loss of community?