It’s the professional equivalent of that night-defining bathroom mirror chat you give yourself halfway through a house party.Linden Grigg25 May 2023Why will nobody interview me?Linden GriggWhy will nobody interview me?Linden Grigg
The 'Working from Home' MistakeLinden GriggLinden Grigg14 Feb 2023Remote working is just not good, especially for us young'uns. Workers of Britain - Return to the Office!
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We’re taught throughout life that we need to work hard to get a job that we love in order to feel fulfilled. But recently, I'm left pondering my own future and the concept of a dream job.Louise Calpin15 Apr 2022Will your “dream job” actually make you happy?Louise Calpin
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Why my generation is going insane: the impact of COVID on mental healthMatt DonnoIt feels like I wasted a year and a half of my life, while the situation I will face at the end of my studies is becoming harsher and harsher. Matt Donno21 Jan 2022
There's no job hidden underneath your gown. Once the university bubble pops, you're going to wish you made the most of it whilst you still had the chance.Liam Cope8 Dec 2021Seize the semester: Why your university years matterLiam Cope